Today I woke up early for a tough start to the morning. A 5k is very much a tough start to the morning. The gun shot was at 9am (or somewhere close) and we were off. Hubby and I ran separately, mostly because he lead first place for the majority of the race. He finished in about 24 minutes! So proud of him!
Me on the other hand, finished in 34 minutes. But at least I finished! It was all cross country and kicked my butt…
On a related note, Macy and I started a new diet and workout plan this week, it’s 42 days long and we are on day 5! We are encouraged to eat healthy and move our bodies hard everyday. I’m doing well so far. Since our wedding last year, I have lost 20 pounds 🙂 it feels absolutely divine to finally fit into my old clothes again! It’s been a while and every time that I put on a pair of old pants or shorts, a little extra confidence creeps up!
Now what I have to do is share a couple foods that are worth sharing! Here are a couple things to try with your next shopping trip. First off is the Trader Joes marinara sauce. Hubby and I LOVED this stuff on our penne the last night on our carb load. It was great! They also make this garlic marinara sauce as well. We haven’t tried it yet but I can just imagine it tastes just as good!
Another thing I have come to love is these pita chips and Macy actually introduced me to them! And they a wonderful! And healthy! You can pair it with hummus or just eat them plain, they’re so tasty! Macy had a coupon so I’m sure you can find them out there too!
That is all I have to share now. There are a lot of things that I still have to write about soon but I just have to find some time! Soon enough 😉
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