We all know it’s important to get some “me time” as a mom. But honestly, it’s so hard to come by – isn’t it? Between being a taxi driver, chef, maid, etc. it doesn’t leave much time to take care of yourself. So what are some ways you can sneak in some self-care in the midst of it all? I’ve got a few ideas for you to consider.
First off, if you haven’t read my post about banishing mom guilt, you need to check that out too. I find myself guilty of putting myself last about 99% of the time and I know I’m not the only one. I put off getting haircuts, taking shopping trips, pedicures with friends, and all of those types of thing because I know it will throw off the family dynamic. I know my daughter will be thrown off if I’m not home to pick her up from school, make dinner or put her to bed so where does that leave time for anything else?
So yes, it’s time to get creative with self-care time for mom because, well all of the above!
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Self-Care Ideas for Busy Moms
First off, think about your week and figure out when you might be able to find time (even 20-30 minutes if nothing else). Once you have an idea of when you can have this “me time”, you can figure out what you’re able to fit into that time frame.
Meditation – There are loads of apps for this now, and you can take a second to just breathe, relax and meditate for anywhere from 5 minutes to 45 minutes, it’s completely up to you.
Yoga – I love yoga. SO. much. It’s such a great outlet for your body to just stretch and flex and get the endorphins flowing. Plus, I love that you can make yoga last as little or as long as you want.
Find a treat you love – Find something you can indulge in every now and again. Put it in a special spot that only you know about and when you get even a couple minutes to yourself, savor every moment. PS. I 100% won’t judge if this is wine for you.
Foot Soak – Next time you’re on amazon shopping for socks or a special toy for your child, do yourself a favor and search for foot soak. You can use a special foot spa or just a bin you have laying around. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just enough to give yourself a little foot soak pamper session. (I currently have a foot spa similar to this one from HoMedics that I like.)
Find a Movie – I’m not really one to watch the same movie over and over (with the exception of a couple), but if I can find new movies I haven’t seen on Lifetime or Hallmark, I’m completely sucked in. Sometimes all it takes is the ability to zone out for a little bit to make you feel a little better.
Listen to a Podcast – Even if you’re busy doing dishes or cleaning up, try streaming a podcast while you do it. Focusing on listening to something else, it sometimes seems like you’re not actually doing the same old mundane. Find a topic that you enjoy and try and find a podcast you might like. It’s a nice break for the mind sometimes!
Take a Nap – Sometimes on Sundays, after we get up early for church and get home after running errands, I’m beat. Normally, I would power through and tackle my to-do list for the day because I don’t want to burden my husband with taking some time off to nap but guess what. One day I just said, I need to take a little power nap and you guys, he was a 100% rockstar. Not only did he get all the laundry folded but he managed to help my daughter make a minimal mess in the playroom. I woke up 45 minutes later so refreshed and so appreciative of getting a little break for myself.
Take a Bath –

Grab this 10-pack of yummy bath bombs on Amazon for $21
You’ve got the kids to bed, dishes are piled and you’re stressed about everything you need to do that night before the next day. Guess what, it’ll still be there when you’re done with your bath. But you’ll feel so much better tending to the chores once you’ve given yourself a little relaxation time. If you really want to treat yoself, find something that makes your bath extra-special; a glass of wine, a new book, yummy bath bombs, a relaxing bubble bath, you name it.
- Side note: If you’re looking for good book suggestions, I’ve gotten a ton of great recommendations from friends on Instagram over the past year. Some of my favorites have included “Girl Wash Your Face” by Rachel Hollis and “Grace Not Perfection” by Emily Ley.
Go for a Walk – This is one of my favorite ways to wind down at the end of the day. Especially lately, being 8 months pregnant, it’s about the only thing my doctor will let me do for exercise. I love getting some fresh air, get the heart pumping, and having talks with my husband (or daughter, whoever comes with me). If you take the opportunity to go for a walk or run by yourself, make yourself a little playlist of all the songs that make you feel good.
Browse Pinterest – Sometimes if I only have a few minutes to myself, I pick up my phone and browse Pinterest. Sometimes you find some good self-help articles that are especially applicable at the time, other times you find some fun activities to do with the kids the next time they’re driving you crazy – lol!
More ideas for self care…
- Journal
- Sudoku
- Bike rides
- Face mask
- Solo dance party
- Get a massage
- Visit the chiropractor
- Get a pedicure/manicure
- Have coffee with a friend
- Skype wine date with a friend
- Meal prep with friends (or freezer meals)
- Get an adult coloring book
- Volunteer
- Paint your nails
- Sip your favorite coffee or tea
What would you add to the list? How do you find time to rejuvenate after a long day? Leave a comment below and share.
Steven Sonmore, L.Ac.
Great suggestions Sarah!
We have many stressed out moms visit our clinic. So, another suggestion could be visit a Licensed Acupuncturist. Most of our patients are women who visit for a variety of reasons ranging from headaches, insomnia, anxiety, back pain and PMS.
Many people who have never had acupuncture before are afraid of it. But the truth is it is incredibly relaxing and stress reducing.
Utilizing acupuncture and Chinese Medicine treatments which work with your body not against it. Since 1994, our practice has helped thousands of people in the Minneapolis / Twin Cities area with acupuncture, Chinese herbs and nutrition.
In Better Health,
Steven Sonmore, L.Ac.
Complete Oriental Medical Care