Halloween is only 21 days away and time is ticking! So this sent Macy and I on an intense mission last weekend. We set out to find Halloween costumes for cheap! Which isn’t easy, because with all the different details you have to put into a costume, it usually adds up pretty quickly. Lucky for me, it’s just me and my husband I had to outfit. Macy had her husband and her little diva to shop for… but we were determined to make it work.
We met at Goodwill in Maple Grove to see what we could dig up. My husband wanted to be the Allstate ‘Mayhem’ guy and I wasn’t quite sure what I was going to be. Macy was completely open for her family so we went in and hoped we’d find some good stuff to work with. Boy were we pleasantly surprised! Not only is Goodwill one of our go-to thrift stores of all time, but they had loads and loads of Halloween stuff. Not only for Halloween costumes but for home décor, yard décor and everything else you could ever need for the holiday. One of their employees told us they save up ALL year long for this and they get really excited about finally pulling it all out for the public.
First thing we found was the baby costumes. Naturally they were cutest things we have ever seen as far as costumes go. They had a little tiny Dorothy dress, a little ducky costume, a little puppy, tweedle-dee, little crayons, teletubbies, buzz light year, basically any animal or anything you could think of. Macy found the most adorable giraffe costume that had never even been opened. I was wishing I had a little one to outfit for Halloween because that would have been the place to be! I didn’t know it until we got there, but Goodwill also buys from discount Halloween vendors just like other retail stores but they sell their costumes for even cheaper which made it soooo nice to shop there! We got some super nice costumes (some brand new) for way good prices.

Walking another half-lap around the store, I found a Caesar costume that would match Cleopatra way too well to let it go. Here’s the kicker, it was $9.99. Our couples Halloween costumes cost all of $25 together. Isn’t that amazing? I was so pumped, that I decided I should get the Glinda costume too, and my hubby’s Mayhem black blazer. With all of it together cost about $45 for two years’ worth of awesome Halloween costumes for both of us. We are SET 🙂
Macy decided on a men’s Navy outfit, a women’s sailor dress with accessories, and of course the giraffe baby costume. Her costume all together for her whole family was $45! Thrift stores prevail!!
I brought the costumes home and had DH try his on. He loved the Caesar costume so much he decided that he wanted to be Caesar instead of the Allstate guy. Or maybe he really liked my Cleopatra costume. Either way, we’re going to look very stylish this year in our very cost-friendly Halloween costumes! Woop woop!
Now when I said they had cute Halloween home decor, they really do. Plus, they had oodles and oodles of Trick or Treat pails for cheap! There were so many things to browse over, it was amazing.
Stay posted for how the costumes look on Halloween. I think you will just ADORE the pictures! Mostly because of Macy’s little one. You won’t want to miss it!
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