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Like many people stuck at home or inside due to the pandemic, I discovered the addicting app TikTok this spring. If you’re familiar with the app, you have probably know how easy it is to get sucked into a certain rabbit hole (eg. ‘cleaning tiktok’ or ‘finance tiktok’ or ‘homeowners tiktok’, etc.)
Well I’ve gone down several of these rabbit holes and find myself climbing back out about an hour later. Most recently it’s been the Morgan Wallen tiktok hole. I have no idea why, once TikTok thinks they have you figured out they give you a bunch of videos they think fit your ‘algorithm’ and you can’t get out basically.
Anyways, long story short, I’ve found out that I’m a sucker for a good life hack (and I’m probably an easy sell as well). I’ve purchased several things off Tiktok’s suggestions – some have disappointed while some have seriously delivered. Today I wanted to share the ones that I have fallen in love with! I figured it would be a good way to save my readers the time and money of testing and waiting. Time is precious, and saving money is always an added bonus!
Things TikTok Made Me Buy
6. These blank spice jars hold 4oz worth of your favorite spices and they are so much more aesthetically pleasing. It was really satisfying to transfer over my ugly plastic, mis-matched spice bottles from the store and switch them over to uniform glass containers. My plan now is to just get my spices from Whole Foods in the little baggies there! After I purchased those, I went over to Etsy and purchased some cute spice jar labels to complete the look and of course, I’m on the hunt now for a little rack that will hold them in a nice easily displayed manner. (As a complete side note, the woman who makes the spice jar labels is from MN too, so that was an added bonus to support a local maker!)
5. These large reusable mesh bags are so nice for clearing out bulk as well. They’re great for storing board games in an organized, minimalist way. They don’t fit extra-large games but I was able to condense about 6 games from their big bulky packaging and make it much easier to store them.
4. Ariana Grande Cloud Perfume
This perfume was a dupe of some expensive $200 perfume that everyone was raving about. They said, you know when you walk by women in the store and you think oh my gosh, they smell so good! This is what they’re wearing. So I was intrigued, because I haven’t purchased a new perfume in probably a decade? So for $30, I opted to try. And luckily, it came about 2 days before I got Covid! So I actually got to smell it before my smell went away for good. I thought it smelled really pretty but not obnoxiously overbearing. It’s so hard to describe a perfume! But I liked it, and still wear it (even though I can’t smell it anymore lol).

Image Credit: Amazon
This was one of those TikTok coffee recipe sensations that everyone was raving about. Saying, “This is how I lost weight and still got my coffee fix!” So of course, intrigued again, I seen the Premier Protein coffee at Target next time I was there and had to try it out. The recipe is to get a jug of Starbucks iced coffee and mix it with your preferred amount of the protein milk to sub as a creamer/sweetener. I’m not sure if the coffee itself was too strong/bitter or if the protein drink was just too artificially sweetened, but this one was NOT for me. I ended up giving the rest of the protein drinks to the food shelf and dumped the iced coffee. Womp, womp.

Image Credit: Amazon
I’ll be the first to say I’m getting older. And although I love the quote, ‘Don’t despise growing older for it’s a privilege denied to many’… at the same time, wrinkles. Need I say more? This summer, after squinting in the sun so much, I was tired of seeing those dang ’11’ lines between my eyebrows. So when I seen a video of someone demoing the Time Eraser gel, I logged on and had to test it myself. For me, it made a visible difference. It tightens the skin and although it didn’t completely get rid of my ’11’ lines, it did a pretty dang good job of lessening them. A friend of mine also purchased the product at the same time and for her, it completely got rid of hers. Dang genetics! Either way, I will purchase this one again.
1. Sarla Hidden Hair Extensions
After kids, it’s amazing how much your hair thins. Just me? Oh, okay. Well anyways, when I seen the Tiktok that featured these super easy hair extensions (and for super cheap – under $10!) I had to order them up. Basically you part your hair along the crown of your head and slip on the little clear headband that holds the extensions. It blends right in with your natural hair and is really easy to camouflage! Of course, I ordered the color in quarantine when my hair was in need of a cut and color, so my color currently doesn’t match anymore. But a good friend of mine also purchased them and said they were the same quality as her $200 extensions she had. She couldn’t believe how nice it was for $10!

Image Credit: Amazon
What did you buy after watching a convincing video on Tiktok? Share a comment below and let us in on the secrets!
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