The news around here has been ridiculous since yesterday morning. There’s big talk about a severe winter storm coming tomorrow. It’s supposed to rain, then snow, then rain, then snow. People are rescheduling meetings already, planning their days around this storm. Supposedly we’re getting roughly 12″ of snow in a day? We’ll see, but that’s the word on the street.
I’m a little nervous. I suppose I better go raid the grocery store for the essentials, who knows when we will see the light of day again.
That was a joke.
But for real, I am nervous. I’m Minnesotan yes, but I hate driving in the snow. Otherwise I don’t mind it! We can go sledding, and build forts, and have snow ball fights, and… and make cookies!
I will post some pics after this storm. Full-board or fail-whale, I’ll get some photos for the next blog post.
Alright, another thing I have to tell you guys about is the project I worked on for hours last night. Firstly, I’d gotten a picture frame at Goodwill that I liked and knew would work. It was $4.99. This was the whole cost of my project because I had everything else I would need to complete it!
So the project, was a menu board for our kitchen. I’m a little OCD when it comes to organization and planning, so when I can make things organized, you can bet I will do it. So anyways, I’ll give some broad instructions in case you want to try making one at home too!
Menu Frame Craft
Step 1: Take frame apart. Cut a piece of fabric that is large enough to cover the glass/cardboard and overlap on the back. Pull the fabric tight and use a hot glue gun to secure the fabric in the back.
Step 2: Re-insert the newly-covered glass/cardboard back into the frame and secure.
Step 3: Decorate clothes pins to show the days of the week. Spread evenly on the fabric and hot glue them into place.
Step 4: Make a list of all the things you would make for dinner and print them on cardstock paper. Cut out these strips and put them aside. Make the font large enough to read but small enough to fit into your frame. This will all depend on your frame size.
Step 5: Find a little basket or container for your menu items that you just printed.
Step 6: Put it together and what do you get? Bippity boppity men-uuuu.
Okay, and so also at Goodwill, hubby found (well yes, hubby came – against his will, because, you know, it was a form of shopping) a Homedics foot pedicure/massager thing. His eyes lit up and he said, “Can we get it?” I’m serious, I can’t bring him anywhere.
First thing he did when we got home, was fill it up with epsom salt and started that sucker up.
“It’s not as cool as I thought it’d be.” he says. lol – uuugh.
I wish I would have gotten a picture of him sitting there with his feet soaking in a little spa thingie but I didn’t. I did get a pic of the mess he left behind though. Still sitting here today.
MEN! I tell you.
Until next time!
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