Now once you’ve created an account and signed in, visit the stores by state page. There you’ll be able to pick your store of choice and it will give you a big breakdown of the current specials and coupons that are out there to make items a low, low price. This is so awesome because you can scroll through the page and see what is on sale, and also what coupons to use to make the prices even lower. On top of that, she also tells you where to find those coupons to get that lowest price. Are you in love yet? You should be. This is amazing.
So, once I found all the coupons and discounts that I needed, I hit the road. I got all my items (more or less, some were out of stock, people beat me to the punch!) and hit the checkout lane. When all was said and done, I saved $35 on my whole trip! Which meant I only spent $75. It would have been lower but DH called with a couple things we needed that I didn’t have coupons for (dangit!) Not bad though, right?
Anyways, I ended up with lots of shampoo, conditioner, body wash, deodorant, hamburger helper, macaroni and cheese, Ragu sauces, Covergirl makeup, Suave hair products, laundry detergent, toilet paper, pop, some Halloween candy, a kids Bingo game, a furnace filter, reading glasses, diapers for a friend, apples, candles and a new desk calendar. Not. Too. Shabby!
One more extreme couponing tip that I have picked up (because I spent this shopping trip at Target) is this: When shopping at a retailer, pair your store coupons with your manufacturer coupons. I know this might seem basic, but it’s the best way to get lots of discounts on one product and some people don’t realize you can do it! I had a Target $0.50 off a Suave product and I had a manufacturer coupon of buy 2 Suave products and get $1.00 off (if I remember right). So with the two coupons, I got two products and $1.50 off them. I believe the items I got were $1.84 so I got two products for $2.18. It’s not a whole lot but it’s almost like getting one for free. Imagine doing this trick with high value coupons – you can save a lot!
If you have any couponing tricks to share, please do! I’m all about learning some new tricks 🙂
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