Today I got a coupon from StudentMags.com thanking me for redeeming my free subscription to Runway Magazine (back on July 6th) and offering me a $10 coupon off another subscription. *Looks around* Is someone punking me? … if not, that’s awesome! I love free magazines! After browsing my options of what I can get for $10 (because heaven forbid I spend money) I almost convince myself that I’m interested in ‘Bird Talk’. Of course, I’m not interested in ‘Bird Talk’, I don’t even really like birds. Well, that’s a lie – I like chicken. Grilled, preferably.
Long story short – don’t get something just because it’s free. That’s my lesson here. Because if you do, you will be reminded of your moment of brain lapse every month when your issue of ‘Bird Talk’ comes.
Don’t worry though, I finally found a magazine right up my alley! Midwest Home 🙂
Back to the weather, last night was so warm that DH made his own self sleep on the couch downstairs! I had the whole bed to myself and it was glorious. Chalk one up for a great night’s sleep! He said that he slept on the couch for two reasons.
1) It was hot upstairs.
2) He wanted me to start off the week with a good night’s sleep.
What a gem! That’s why I married him – he’s mine ladies, back off! 🙂
Hope you cash in on those sweet deals, let me know if you use them to success 🙂
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