Well, there are always times in our lives when we feel up, and there are always times in life when we feel down. Here are some tips for raising your spirits when the sad mood strikes.
1) One thing I have personally learned is to wear loose clothes. The fact that you are not baring yourself to the world can make you more confident and comfortable. And let’s be serious – it’s impossible to not be confident in comfortable clothes.
2) Exercise. When you exercise, your body adds it’s own natural glow to your cheeks and skin. This subtle glow will show, and you will feel better too, because come on, you exercised! Woot woot!
3) Drink lots of water. Truth be told, it makes a huge difference! Your whole body craves water because so much of your body is made up of it. When you give your body that essential nutrient, it will love you and you will be able to really feel the difference after a while.
4) Think ahead to something you plan to do. Looking forward to something can greatly increase your spirits, and it helps you focus on something other than feeling down.
5) Accept yourself. You are exactly who you are and no one else is able to be you. Embrace yourself, and realize that absolutely no one in the world is perfect! You are truly special.
These tips seem to help me. Ultimately it’s so important to pull off number 5. Being comfortable with who you are, what you look like, and where you’re at is really one of the keys to happiness. Sorry, did I get too deep!? lol I am just a firm believer. Love yourself and the rest will come 🙂
Much love, peace & happiness.
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