If you are in the Minneapolis area, check out our segment on Twin Cities Live, Channel 5 at 3:00pm TODAY!!! I’ll be talking freezer meals – and as always, we’re talking quick, easy and inexpensive!
Update: If you missed it, check out our post “Preparing for Baby: Freezer Meals” for some recipes, highlights and tips. You’ll leave with some great ideas you can start on tonight!
Macy it was great meeting you & your beautiful daughters yesterday! I think your frozen meals are great for single people too! Due to my lack of planning I often find myself ordering food or picking up from a restaurant. I’m going to start making easy freezer meals too. CARPE DIEM
Jasmine, it was so nice meeting you! I’m glad you got something out of the freezer meals segment! 🙂 My little one thought you were great!
Jamie H
Saw you on there and you looked GREAT! Lindsi called me to let me know you were on…Congrats!
Thanks Jamie!! It was a lot of fun!