Last weekend we took a fun little afternoon trip to see the Stillwater Ice Castles. We’d never gone before, as many times as I nagged my hubby that I wanted to go. So finally, we decided we had a free day, let’s check it out!
So first things first, did you know that you should buy your tickets ahead of time online? This was news to me, but I’d read it on another blog that you have to pick a time on their website and buy tickets that way. Yep, they were right!
So once you’ve gone on their website and picked a date, find a time that has availabilities. Last weekend, all of the times said “SOLD OUT” so that’s something to keep in mind if the weather is nice.
Ice Castles Coupon
So to purchase tickets online, you also save money. You can purchase tickets there, however they’re standby tickets and there’s no guarantee that they’ll be available.
Pricing ‘at the door‘ is as follows: General Admission (12+): $15/$18 and… Child (4-11): $10/$12
Pricing online is as follows: General Admission (12+): $12.95 and… Child (4-11): $8.95
Kids under 3 are free.
To save money when purchasing your tickets online, use coupon code HAPPYKIDS to save 15% on your tickets. These are set to expire at anytime so make sure to go sooner than later (plus, with warm weather ahead – who knows how long the ice castles will be around!?)

Image Credit:
Our Trip
We really enjoyed our trip there. It was really neat to see these huge castles make out of pure ice. And the huge hit was the ice slides, I couldn’t get little miss off of them once she discovered them! It was fun to see all the little caves within the castles too, the older kids really seemed to enjoy those. And they also had a few fire pits inside the castles as well to help warm up along the way.
One tip we had was to leave the stroller at home, and bring a sled if you’ve got little ones! They get heavy after a while, and the sled is so nice to have! Plus, there’s quite a bit of loose ice and snow under your feet so it’s tough to walk around at certain points, and the sled works wonders there as well.
Have you been to the ice castles this year? We had a blast! I think it’ll be easier to talk him into going again next year 🙂
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