Health & Fitness

10 Things You Shouldn’t Do At The Gym

10 Things You Shouldn’t Do At The Gym

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  1. Marisa

    Ugh yes to all. I was so annoyed the other day as there was a girl on the mats for abs/ stretching and she was just sitting there texting on her phone. Really? Also the girls on the ellipticals that are barely moving and just texting….why are you here!?!?!?

  2. Alissa

    Oh I personally hate when people make too many sound effects like screams or grunts, its like dude know you damn limit, I’ve had to rescue quite a few people from under the squat bar. xD Silly noobs, why would they feel the need to overcompensate?

    Also I really dislike the women who sit around on yoga mats all day talking and talking, its a bloody gym, not a daycare.

    Love this post, a lot of these complaints often go unsaid.

    1. Sarah

      So true!! The yoga mat happy hour really gets me too. Oye!! Thank you for your comment! 🙂

  3. Jill

    lol girl i love it. Half the reason I hate gyms. We added a small gym to our “storage room” in our lower level of our house. I get to workout in my pj’s and listen to music and not have anyone stare at me.. OR hear those darn weights hitting the gym..

    Oh I got another one for you.. I used to see these girls leading fitness classes.. and they were overweight.. granted they are working out. But if im going to take a class, I want to take a class where the instructor looks killer, that way I work my ass off to look like her..

    1. Sarah

      Jill! I’m so jealous, I’ve wanted to get some weight stuff for our basement so that I can enjoy those perks 😉 You’re lucky!

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